After a few hurdles with my departure, I arrived at Hippocrates. The familiar surroundings brought a comfort within me. I checked into the same room I had stayed in while here in May. I figured that would bring me some comfort as well. I knew with my detoxing I would want to make it as pleasant as I possibly could. Due to lack of sleep, I went to sleep at 8:00 pm and woke up at 5:00 am. Today was the blood draw, so I needed to fast in order to receive accurate readings. I drank my wheatgrass and headed to the gym. Exercise and sweating is crucial to get the detox moving through the body and out. I am feeling some effects already. I don't have the stimulant of caffeine to keep me going. It really makes me aware how much I rely on caffeine or sugar to keep me moving throughout the day. I had my first colonic today as well, I chose to use the wheatgrass as an implant to help the detox along, as well as heal my colon and liver.
Due to all of the fiber from veggies, digestive enzymes are a must! Hippocrates teaches us the importance of why using digestive enzymes helps digest our food properly. How they move the food from the stomach to the colon in a proficient manner, how they prevent bloating and gas. Many Americans today eat too fast and do not chew their food properly. Due to this, many digestive problems start to occur.
I spoke to my nurse today about my chronic pain. I actually started to cry while explaining the severity of it. I believe having this pain for so long has really affected me emotionally as well as physically. He recommended a few treatments, one is called Nucca. He also gave me info so I can find a practitioner close to home, so I am able to continue any therapies suggested.
So far, so good!
Stay tuned....
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